This is what many would describe as intuition — an unexpected feeling or sense about a situation or a person that is genuine. Although it might pass unnoticed, the intuitive feeling plays a key role in our everyday lives. For years, the concept of intuition has been wrapped in mystery and interpreted in multiple ways.


You use Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) to receive and process new information either by using your five senses or in more abstract ways. Sensing and Intuition are opposite preferences. A person’s natural tendency toward one will be stronger than the other. There are by far more Sensing people in the population than Intuitives. Sensors … Sensing vs. Intuition Preference Read More »

Does intuitive have anything to do with a sixth sense? 2017-10-28 2016-02-21 (intjuˈiʃən) noun 1. the power of understanding or ralizing something without thinking it out. She knew by intuition that he was telling her the truth. An Intuitive personality type’s answer to the poet Gertrude Stein’s famous quote, “A rose is a rose is a rose” might be, “Yes, and much more.” When considering a rose, those with the Intuitive personality trait are likely to begin to think in terms of archetypes, emotional attachment, or cultural symbols.

Intuitive person meaning

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Others can’t always … 2020-09-18 13 Absurdly Awesome Traits Of Highly Intuitive People 1. They Listen To And Obey Their Inner Voice Perhaps the most obvious trait of an intuitive person is the extent to 2. They Closely Observe Their Surroundings In order for their gut to provide sensible and … Being intuitive means having the ability to know or understand something instinctively and instantly without any rational process. Thankfully, science is unveiling great discoveries about the true intuitive meaning and how it connects your unconscious mind with the … Intuitive definition, perceiving directly by intuition without rational thought, as a person or the mind. See more. An intuitive person is able to relate with other people’s feelings and experiences and offer them the relevant support they need. Mostly, an intuitive person will seem appealing and friendly to strangers, allowing them to open up and express their feelings and … If you're intuitive, you can probably guess what this word means just by looking at it.

What do we mean when we talk about intuition? will create responses (usually emotional) that compete with each other in determining a person's response.

able to know or understand something because…. Learn more. Intuitive person meaning in urdu کوئی ایسا شخص جسے عام طور پر کسی چیز کا احساس ہو۔ یا تو وہ جانتے ہیں کہ کچھ ہونے والا ہے ، یا اس کے بارے میں احساس ہے کہ کوئی صورتحال یا شخص مثبت ہے یا منفی۔ 2015-08-12 · These poorly-worded questions are meant to determine if you have a sensing or intuitive bent, but any sensor or intuitive could answer yes to these questions because they all focus on details, some just focus on concrete details, some focus on conceptual details. Some focus on immediate possibilities, others focus on abstract possibilities.

Intuitive people have a special connection with their unconscious, so they can hear the inner voice that others ignore. By paying attention to these insights or 

YOU ARE OBSERVANT This is what many would describe as intuition — an unexpected feeling or sense about a situation or a person that is genuine. Although it might pass unnoticed, the intuitive feeling plays a key role in our everyday lives. For years, the concept of intuition has been wrapped in mystery and interpreted in multiple ways. Human intuition is an interesting thing to study. That “ gut feeling ” that people describe having occasionally, or feeling dread about something that is going wrong as it is happening. Intuitive people, however, exhibit much more of their intuitive sensibilities as part of who they are.

Intuitive person meaning

Here’s how you can spot an intuitive person: A smartphone with an “intuitive interface” is one that doesn't need much explaining; you can usually figure out how it works as soon as you fire it up. The related noun intuition, meanwhile, describes a feeling of knowing or understanding something without evident rational thought and inference.
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Intuitive person meaning

based on feelings rather than facts or proof: 2. able to know or understand something because…. Learn more. Intuitive person meaning in urdu کوئی ایسا شخص جسے عام طور پر کسی چیز کا احساس ہو۔ یا تو وہ جانتے ہیں کہ کچھ ہونے والا ہے ، یا اس کے بارے میں احساس ہے کہ کوئی صورتحال یا شخص مثبت ہے یا منفی۔ 2015-08-12 · These poorly-worded questions are meant to determine if you have a sensing or intuitive bent, but any sensor or intuitive could answer yes to these questions because they all focus on details, some just focus on concrete details, some focus on conceptual details.

1. YOUR DREAMS ARE EXTREMELY VIVID. Most people remember bits and pieces of the dreams, the last few minutes of sleep before they wake up.
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You take on  Intuitive-Sensitivity: a form of High Sensitivity who defined themselves as both Highly Sensitive and Intuitive-Sensitive, I've come to realize that An Intuitive- Sensitive Person shows as a refined, exaggerated type of Highly The meaning of intuitive we are using in this chapter makes no reference to a mysterious power of We see a frowning face and infer the person is angry. If so, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) or a Highly Intuitive Person helping you discover a path toward deeper meaning, awareness, and peace.

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If you're intuitive, you can probably guess what this word means just by looking at it. No? Maybe you're not so intuitive, after all. Intuitive means having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning process.

As an empath, light worker or intuitive person, you might be highly sensitive to the feelings of others and the energy around you as the ether that binds the fabric of reality is literally being constructed around us at all times. It’s exquisitely mind-boggling to ponder. Those who sit firmly at the intuition end of the spectrum are known as intuitives. Their minds prefer the world of the abstract, the holistic, and the uncertain. While they, too, get information from their senses, they tend not to take them at face value.